Monday, August 2, 2010

52nd Lake and the last swim

August 2nd, 2010 - Today after running the girls to the dentist, I took McKenzie and we went to Willow to attempt to swim three lakes. Overcast day temperatures around 60 F. I decided to swim Lynne Lake which is next to Honeybee lake off the Nancy Lake Parkway at mile 67.3 Parks Hwy. The water temperature was 63 F in the shallow area. When you enter this lake the water is pretty shallow until you reach the island then it quickly deepens. I located a spot across the lake and I took off with no problems at least for me. Once i past the Island I had a loon flapping its wings and making a lot of noise just off my right side. It did provide me with a little entertainment as I breathed on my right side. Once reaching the other side I took a look where I needed to go and off I went. I stopped after 200 strokes to get my bearings and thought I was going in the right direction. Once I reeach the far side I was yet a gain lost. I climbed out onto shore and followed the trail to the road. 350 strokes and 26 minutes to do the swim. I was trying to find my location and just couldn't figure out where I came out in relationship to where I started. I determined that I had swam far to my right about 400 yards, thus I decided to follow the road back to the truck. 16 minutes later I reached the truck. Remember I was walking in my flippers and looking through my prescription googles to get back to the truck. McKenzie had no clue that I had got lost she was busy texting on her phone and not paying attention to the swim. A swim that should have taken 26 minutes ended up taking 48 minutes. I wonder how long I coud have been gone before McKenzie would have called someone. Thus, I was upset again for not finding my exit point. Thus I said screw it and headed home.

On the way home I determined that yes I could swim all these lakes it not a big deal I have swam 52 lakes to date. I just can't take a chance of getting lost anymore - it is not worth the effort. Plus, I can't get anyone to actually go out in a boat with me on each swim to assist in swimming the right direction. So today ends my swims and back to the pool I will go.

One plus is that I can get a couple of days fishing and take Morgan on her Dall Sheep hunt over the next two weeks before it is back to school .

For those that have been following - thanks

Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer.

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