Monday, May 31, 2010

Fourth Lake - Cottonwood Lake

Technically I can't count Cottonwood Lake since ADF&G doesn't stock this lake. This lake has a natural population of rainbow trout. I decided at 4 pm that I would swim Cottonwood Lake, when we arrived there was several boats and several kids playing in the water and with leeches. Since this is a larger lake we took out the raft with the trolling motor. We drove the raft to the far end of the lake, from there I swam the length of the lake then back about a third of the way to the boat launch the whole trip took around 30 minutes. This time I started the watch but myself and Morgan forgot to stop our watches. The water was refreshing since it has been warm all weekend with temperatures in the mid 70's. A 300 acre fire in Ekultna provide a haze to the sky. No problems today just had to watch out for the other boaters ( a few additional waves), but I should have known better since it is memorial day. Just remember if you swim this lake stay out away from the shore line to avoid the weeds and swim on the far side of the Island where it is deeper. The side closest to the boat launch is only 54 to 5 foot deep and has a few lily pads. Later in the summer more weeds will be present.

Thanks that is it for today.

Take care!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

3rd Meirs Lake

May 30th, 2010 after swimming Matanuska Lake we decided to swim a small lake nearby off of outspringer. From the parking area you will need to walk about 25 yards down hill to reach the shore line. The water temperature was a little warmer than Matanuska Lake. I proceeded into the lake without any problems and swam across the lake. As usual without a guide boat I have a tendency to veer right. The whole swim took about 7 minutes to complete.

Only people seen on this lake was a couple of guys paddling a canoe and attempting to catch a fish.

Until next post have a great day and enjoy the 70 degree weather we have been having in wonderful Palmer, Alaska

Second Lake a chilling experience

Sunday May 30th, 2010 decided to swim two lakes today. First lake was Matanuska Lake. This particular lake see many recreational swimmers throughout the summer, because the water is cool, and clean. Forgot our thermometer today but the water had to be in the mid 50's. I didn't think I could handle the water today, but with the wet suit I began and by the time I was half ways across I began to warm up. One reason that this lake doesn't warm up is because of its depth. Matanuska Lake is 70 to 80 foot deep in spots. Like most lakes in the valley this lake is man-made and I would suspect that gravel was removed to make the highway. I choice not to have Morgan use the Kayak today and had her watch me swim across and back. I forgot to start my watch but I can estimate that it took me around 25 minutes. Great lake to swim, little smell and alot more enjoyable than Walby Lake was.

Local bystanders looking on are left speechless. They just don't know what to say about an old man that is overweight and wearing a wet suit.

Friday, May 28, 2010

1st Lake

Today May 28th, 2010 I started my quest to swim all 81 stocked lakes within Matanuska-Susitna Valley. With the unseasonal warm weather, most of the smaller lakes have a temperature around 65 F. Today I choose Walby Lake. After 25 minutes I had swam around the whole lake. Wasn't too bad. The tri suit and swim cap kept me warm.

I do need to teach my daughter how to stir a boat and stay a little closer. At times she was out too far making it harder for me to see her. Bad eye sight and little old age.

The lake was fine as long as you avoided the lily pads. The lake did have a unique smell.