Sunday, May 30, 2010

Second Lake a chilling experience

Sunday May 30th, 2010 decided to swim two lakes today. First lake was Matanuska Lake. This particular lake see many recreational swimmers throughout the summer, because the water is cool, and clean. Forgot our thermometer today but the water had to be in the mid 50's. I didn't think I could handle the water today, but with the wet suit I began and by the time I was half ways across I began to warm up. One reason that this lake doesn't warm up is because of its depth. Matanuska Lake is 70 to 80 foot deep in spots. Like most lakes in the valley this lake is man-made and I would suspect that gravel was removed to make the highway. I choice not to have Morgan use the Kayak today and had her watch me swim across and back. I forgot to start my watch but I can estimate that it took me around 25 minutes. Great lake to swim, little smell and alot more enjoyable than Walby Lake was.

Local bystanders looking on are left speechless. They just don't know what to say about an old man that is overweight and wearing a wet suit.

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