Tuesday, July 6, 2010

35th Lake Prator

July 6th - After checking out the lake Idecided to go ahead and swim it. Off I went! Note you better be careful the water is shallow, in fact it was about 50 t0 75 yards from shore before I could really swim. Once you get past this point the lake deepens and it was a pleasant swim across the lake. 325 strokes later I reached the other side and swam back. I tired swimming all the way back but I ended up putting my hands in two feet of mud and cutting my hand on a broken beer bottle. Nothing serious but something to be aware of. Total time was 25 minutes 30 seconds for this swim. After almost two hours of swimming I called it a day and headed home to celebrate my 19th wedding anniversery.

Until next time get out and catch a salmon.

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