Friday, July 9, 2010

Long Lake number 36

July 9th - Great Day - Sunny decided to go down the Glenn Highway to swim a few lakes with John. We took the raft, trolling motor and John's small gas motor. Our first lake was Long Lake. Once we arrived the wind was blowing across the lake so we decided to hook the motor on the boat and run across the lake. Once we arrived we took off the motor and hooked up the electric trolling motor. I got prepared and over board I went and the water was extremely cold. I didn't have my thermometer today but the water had to be 55 F. For the first time this year my arms never got warm even with the sun blazing down on the water. Instant head freeze similar to eating ice cream to fast, but slowly it went away. After 1050 strokes and 34 minutes 25 seconds I reach the end of the lake. Total distance on the GPS was 1.41 miles. Swimming in the lakes is so much better than swimming at Palmer Pool where the water temperature is 87F and it seems like a bath tub every time I go back. I am not moving terribly quick but I relate it to a LSD run (long slow run). Overall pretty nice lake. Off to Weiner or Wiener LAke depending on which sign you look at.

one down two more to go!

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