Tuesday, July 6, 2010

BearPaw Lake - 34th

July 6th - I moved from Dawn Lake to Bearpaw lake thinking that this might be the last lake I would swim today. Once I found the lake after awhile - note the sign for Magic Avenue is missing and no sign was present by or near this lake. I was able to drive to within 20 yards of the shoreline. Once I got out of my FJ cruiser there was trash - fireworks, old fire, beach bowl and other trash in the water. I got my gear on and off I went - 225 strokes later I reached the other side. On my way back I pulled to the right of my exit point by about 200 yards. Total time for this lake was 18 minutes. I was feeling pretty good, but a little tired. i decided to go check out Prator Lake since it was only mile down the road. Off I go!

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