Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finger Lake 39 and counting

July 11th - The sun finally came out and temperature rose to 60F so I decided to grab Morgan load up the boat and we left for Finger Lake around 4 pm. Finger lake is in a state recreation park and there is a charge for daily use, camping and for launching a boat. Lucky no one checked us and we were able to unload the raft, inflate and hook up the electric motor and launched the boat. First thing I noticed about Finger Lake is that it looked like a southern swamp. The water was still and turbidity was terrible. Several people were in boats finishing and a couple of jet skies were flying across the lake and around us. To reach the end of the lake we stayed on the left side of the first and second island and then we went right around the last cove. The straight until we reached the end of the lake. According to the GPS it was 1.85 miles from the boat launch. Once we turned the boat around I got on my gear and entered the water and Morgan guided the boat back to the launch site. Again the clearity of the lake was poor and I just looked for the boat. Since I prefer to breath on my right side I had Morgan position the boat just infront and to my right. This way I can see the boat and watch the shore line giving me an ideal of where we are. The swim was pretty uneventful, Morgan got a kick seeing the expressions on the face of a boat full of fisherman and on a female jet skier as she slowed down so she could watch me swim by and smoke a cigerette.

1367 strokes later and 44 minutes we reach the boat launch.

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