Monday, July 12, 2010

41st - Morvro Lake

July 12th - Morvro Lake - doesn't have an area that allows you to drive to the shore. Access for this like you make your own trail to the lake via the power easement. Once I bushed whacked to the shore there wasn't really any where for me to enter the water without getting into mud and bushes. So I followed the shore until I reach someone property. dropped my towel and gear by a canoe and entered the water to my surprise it was hard and only had a little mud. This access point was toward one end so I swam to my right until I reached the end of the lake. I turned around and followed the shore back until I found my access point than swim across. Once I reached my entry point they was an older women mowing and she had moved my stuff and placed them on top of the canoe. She politely asked me where I came and what I was doing. I gave her the story and she had mentioned that if I came to her house and asked to have access to the lake she would have given it to me. I told her I was sorry that I came onto her property and asked if I could cross her property instead of bush whacking back to the truck and she gave me the okay. Total time for this swim was 34: 30 seconds and I lost track of the number of strokes it took me to cross the lake. Total distance 1.4 to 1.5 miles for this swim. Overall not to bad of lake.

Off to Homestead Lake in the Big Lake area.

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