Sunday, July 18, 2010

Homer Run

Group Photo with some of the fish

Look at the stomach and head of the Ling Cod

Yellow eyed rockfish

July 14th I decided to take advantage of my free Homer Halibut trip I won at the Mat-Su Sportmans show with Big Bear Charters. Today the rain stopped and it is a great sunny day that I should have been swimming a lake or two but I needed to do some more fishing. Big Bear Charters requires you to report by 6:30 am and finally around 7 am we took off in a 35 foot boat with 4 other guys from the Lousiana Area up here doing some church work. These guys informed me more about the affects of the oil spill in their area and its ripple affect on many businesses and how the Obama's decision not to do any more off shore drilling could kill their state. They even enlighted me about how Obama's staged photo's shots of people in white suits clean up the oil along the shore. When the day before their was no one cleaning.

After three hours we reach our spot and started fishing. This was the first halibut trip I have gone on that we didn't use bait. Instead we jigged 16 oz jigs with orange, green or brown tails (look like larger versions of a mister twister tail. It wasn't long before we started hooking fish and landing several 15 to 35 pound halibut. I landed 8 halibut and kept two 30 pounders. In addition everyone on the boat caught 2 or more ling cod. The ling cod must be larger than 35 inches in order to keep them. Most of the ones we caught we 40 plus inches. The area where we caught the must ling cod we also had to battle 5 feet waves which was a chore and put us on the edge of being sea sick. We all caught atleast one yellow eye rock fish and many black bass or black rock fish. We caught the black bass on smaller jigs about 20 feet below the boat. What a blast if we weren't drifting we could of caught many more, but we had our limit and off we went back to Homer. The two halibut, 2 ling cod, 1 yellow eye rock fish and 4 black bass netted me with 65 pounds of meat. Thus, this trip and chitna dipnetting for reds have filled my freezer for the year. The rest of the fishing I will do this year will all be catch and release. Hopefully Friday will be clear so that I can resume my swimming.

Until the next time!

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