Tuesday, July 6, 2010

32nd Lake -Visnaw

July 6th, 2010 - Finally back swimming - Went to Chitina last week, then we had rain and wind, so it has been a week since I have been in a lake. I went to Visnaw today the last lake in the Meadow Lakes area. Water temperature was a chilly 60 F. Since I was by myself again I swam the length of the lake and back. For the first 400 strokes the water was very shallow with my hand almost or hitting the mud bottom. No weed or this could have been a night mare. The last 400 strokes I was in deeper water and just cruised to the end of the lake. There is a bunch of lily pads the last 25 yards to the shore and shallow. I turned around and headed back but since I can't see worth a damn I over shot my exit point and the water was getting very shallow. I decided to to get out on a dock. I knew I over shot the exit point but I decided to walk through the property and sure enough I ran into the owner. I told him I couldn't see very good and asked him where the public landing area was and he mentioned that it was four houses down, I thanked him and casually walk through his property to the road and down the road wearing my zoomers and wet suit. The whole swim took 56 minutes (not counting the walking) and 1600 strokes or 4,000 yards around trip. I rinsed off with tap water that I brought and off to the next lake.

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