Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where is my spotter when I need one! 30th and 31st Lakes

June 29th - Once you arrive at Kalmbach and Beverly Lakes parking lots you will need to walk about .25 miles to get to Kalmbach shore line. I took a different trail and lot I would swim Beverly first but I ended up on Kalmbach Lake. Suggestion don't wear crocs they are a pain in the butt when they get water in them. Next time I will wear my teva's, much more comfortable. Once I selected my point off I went and 345 strokes later I reach the shore. I turned around and back I went fighting the waves and trying to locate my enter point but had no luck I under shot my location. Once I reach the shore I got out and followed the trail up to the road. I was totally lost and blind as a bat without my glasses. I walked down the street with my zoomers on and wet suit. After couple hundred yards I decided to turn around and ask a neighbor for direction. This lady said I just swam Kalmbach and that Beverly lake is behind her house. She had no clue where the trail head was. I can only imagine what she was thinking when she saw a guy with half a wet suit on walking down her street in flippers. Anyway back I went down the trail and into the water. I swam around the corner and followed the shore line until I found where I had entered the water, more important I needed my glasses. I guess that is what I get for not having a spotter or something bright on the shoreline that I can use as a guide. I survived thus down the trail I went about 200 yards and followed the trail over the hill and down to the shore of Beverly Lake. When I reached the shore I was at the end of the lake in a mud hole. I stayed positive and prepared for this swim. I looked to my left and here was a pair of swans with atleast one week old signet (baby swan). Right in front of me the water was swallow and several lily pads. I selected a path and off I went and 415 strokes later I reached the end of the lake. Coming back I was yet again going against the wind , which ment waves and harder to breath without getting water in my mouth. This time I put my shirt and towl on some trees at the shoreline that I hoped would work to guide me back to my entry point. Sure enough I over shot my entry point but when I stopped and looked up I could see my shirt and the swans. So I corrected my self and found my way back. Total time right at 30 minutes very similar to time I spent in Kalmbach lake.

Today I swam 4 lakes but the travel time, swimming and walking to the lakes took me 3.5 hours to complete. If you ever plan on swimming these lakes make sure you have time. It is only going to take longer as I reach the outer lakes.

Also, I picked up my first case of swimmers itch today. In the future I will need to bring some water so that I can rinse between lakes and before I drive home to reduce the chance of getting swimmers itch in the future.

Until next time!

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