Friday, June 25, 2010

27th Lake Seventeen Mile

June 25th - the third of the lakes that I schedule myself to swim. Once I arrive at seventeen mile lake I was able to drive right down to the shore line. This lake is pretty unusual in that it has a island in the middle of the lake. When you swim by yourself it is real important that you make land marks so that when you swim you have something to aim for. The goal for this lake was to swim straight across the lake then turn left swimming between the island and the shore until I reach the other side than follow the shore line back to the vehicle. The entry point has a gravel bottom with little mud. Which is great less chances of picking up a parasite (leech). The lake was pretty clean, with a few weeds in the shallow areas. Total time for this lake was 27 minutes and some change. When I got back to the shore I had was greeted by several young boys playing in the water. Had a nice conversation with the boys mother. Kudo's to the mom the boys were wearing life jackets and she was close to shore watching th boys play just in case something might happen.

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