Saturday, June 12, 2010

20th Memory Lake

June 12th, 2010 After swimming wolf and reed lakes we drove to Memory Lake. Memory Lake can be found off of Wasilla-Fishhook Road. For more specific directions check out this web site:

This particular lake has a parking lot that goes right to the shore. Thus, I parked the truck right by the shore so that McKenzie could watch me swim and avoid the light rain we were experiencing. Memory Lake is shaped like an hour glass and the access point is located at the bottom. Air temperature was 53F and water temperature about 62 F. Thus off I went and 100 strokes later I was in the canel and I was staying left to avoid the lily pads but apparently I was too far left. The water was getting shallow and suddenly I was beached on the racks just like a small whale, I wuickly readjusted my body position and I was off again. This lake vers left and 200 strokes later I was in the lily pads and about 25 yards from shore. I decided I didn't want to swim through the lily pads so I turned around and swam back. Total time 21 minutes. This lake seemed to be pretty clean. The first part of the lake is shallow the second part is much deeper. Also the access point is gravel which makes it a lot easier to enter and exit the lake.

This lake unlike all the other ones that I have swam contains Northern Pike fish. Since it has pike I was having some concerns that a 30 pound pike might latch on to my flippers with their lazor sharp teeth or some other part of my body. But that never happened and like all the other lakes I still haven't seen a fish on any of my swims.

Since this is the 20th lake I have reached the quarter mark and only have one lake to go within the core Palmer-Wasilla area - Finger Lake. Hopefully I can swim Finger Lake either Sunday or Monday. Once I have swam this lake I will start reaching the outline lakes which I have divided into catergories: Sutton lakes, Lakes on the Glenn Highway, Lakes off of Pittman, Lakes near Big Lake, Lakes on Parks Hwy, Lakes near Willow and Lakes near Talkeetna.

Until next time go out and enjoy 75th Colony Days Events.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Tim. You are awesome! I can't believe you are swimming in that cold water without sleeves! Brrrr. I just returned from WI where I grew up as a kid. I remember thinking how cool I was to swim across the lake we lived on (when I was 11). I looked at it and thought "Hmmm. I could do this in about 10 - 12 min now." Didn't have the opportunity to do so on this trip, however. It would have been fun tho.

