Tuesday, June 8, 2010

13th Long Lake

June 8th, 2010 Cloudy today with temperatures in mid 50's and no wind. I decided I needed to swim another lake today so I recruited my youngest daughter 14 year old McKenzie to come with me and watch. Long Lake is located in the Kepler-Bradley recreation area just off of the Glenn Highway. Once you reach the parking lot (fee area) you must follow a trail down to the lake about 300 yards and lots and lots of mosquito's so if you come here to fish (catch and release only) or to swim bring the bug dope. Water temperature 60 F. After getting zipped up, cap on, off I went. Keep your eyes open and watch for trees as you get close to the sides I almost hit several. Looks like some beavers dropped the trees or maybe it was mother nature. Once I reached the end of the lake and finally warmed up I decided to swim the whole length of the lake (665 strokes). McKenzie was wondering what was going on when I just kept swimming past her. Once I reached the end I had to swim back couple of hundred yards to where McKenzie was waiting. Since the enter area is hidden along the trees I had to stop after 25 strokes and yell for McKenzie finally I found her after I past her. Total time 45 minutes. Overall the lake seemed to be pretty clean I could see the bottom as I moved into the shallow water.

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