Saturday, June 5, 2010

#8 Lake Lucille

Today June 5th weather good, temperatures high 50's with light winds. Decided to swim Lake Lucille, located near downtown Wasilla. John and I decided to try using his small motor (1950's) so that we can get back faster after swimming across. The water temperature was 62 F and according to John's GPS I would need to swim 1.6 miles to reach the other side. Like the protocol for the other lakes John led me across the lake. I soon found out that this lake is shallow. Majority of the swim today I could see the light colored mud bottom inter mixed with weeds, it reminded me of swimming in Costa Rica without the fish. When we were about half mile from the shore I got to watch a float plane come down and land just off my right shoulder. Remember I am only seeing the plane when I take a breath other than the plane pretty uneventful swim. Total time was 40 minutes and according to the GPS total length of 1.61 miles. On the way back we took off the trolling motor and used John's gas motor. On the way back we decided to see if we could see Sarah Palin's house and her new 14 foot fence. Sure enough it is just to the right of Lake Lucille Inn. As I am entering this blog I am also watching the Belmont Stakes Horse Race and guess what Sarah Palin is at the race to watch the horse First Dude named after Sarah's Husband Todd run the race and is a 6-1 favorite to win. Back to the lake when we got abotu .25 miles from the shore we ran out of gas and switched back to the trolling motor to get back to shore. We wanted to go to Finger Lake but without gas and little left on the trollong motor I decided to go to Loberg Lake. (see next post) For more information about Lake Lucille visit this web site:

Other notes; if you plan on swimming this lake do it early I would suspect that this lake will be full of weeds in August. Also, you should know that this lake has been on DEC bad lakes list for many years for its poor water quality.

Update on the horse race First Dude led the whole race until the final stretch were he just couldn't keep it going and ended up third. I will just leave it at that!

Take Care

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