Saturday, June 12, 2010

19th Reed Lake

June 12th, 2010 Reed Lake is located on Wasilla-Fishhook road at 7.3 milepost from Wasilla then turn left on Welch road and drive about .4 miles. The ADF&G says that there is access to this lake but I couldn't find one. Finally we see a trail so I left McKenzie in the truck and off I went. About 50 yards down the trail I see yellow tape that has been torn. I can't make it out since I am not wearing my glasses. As I get older I am becoming as blind as a bat. I finally make out the words on the yellow tape and it says stay out "Crime Scene". Since I wanted to swim this lake I proceeded with caution. As I got closer to the lake I noticed an old junk house that has all the windows broken out. Someone must have broken into the house or it might had been used as a meth house one could only guess. Another 20 yards down the trail and over some fallen trees I finally reached the lake. I quickly got on my cap and put on my goggles and off I went. Since I was located in the middle of the lake I swam to the far side to my right than across the lake and then back to my access point, basically a triangle. The whole swim took me 9:30 minutes and 130 strokes to cross the lake. The lake has a muddy bottom and seemed to be pretty clean the right end of the lake is full of weeds. If you have access to this lake it would be okay to seem in. Later in the summer it will have more weeds. After I finished I quickly got out of the lake and walked back to the truck. Since we had time I wanted to swim the last stocked lake (besides Finger Lake) within the core Palmer - Wasilla area thus it was off to Memory Lake.

Reed Lakes information can be found at

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