Thursday, June 10, 2010

14th Seymour Lake

June 10th, decided to go to Semour Lake out in the Meadow Lakes area, just past Pittman Road in Wasilla. I brought the boat and McKenzie. Once we reach the lake we unload the boat, inflated it, and put on the trolling motor. McKenzie doesn't like to be in boats, but after a little convincing she was in the boat and off we went. We both took the boat to the far end which is ablout 100 yards from shore water level low. Got out of the boat and tried to give McKenzie her first lesson of how to stear the boat. The first thing she did was send the boat in a circle. After I corrected her stearing off we went. 27 minutes later we reach the far side (about 50 yards from shore) again water level was getting pretty low. In fact I was touching the bottom. I wouldn't say that this lake is the cleanest ran into weeds several times and the smell wasn't very good in the shallow areas. I climb into the boat and back to launch site we went. The reason I didn't want to swim back across was that I wanted to swim atleast one more lake. We loaded up the boat and off to Laleen Lake.

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