Thursday, June 24, 2010

24th Lake - Barley

June 24th, 2010. After Farmer Lake I didn't know what to expect from Barley Lake. I found the access point and drove to within 20 yards of the shore. I found that the the bottom was lightly graveled. So I put on my gear and off I went. Since the access point was near the end I swam to the left side of the lake than across the lake to about 20 yards from shore where the weeds were getting thicker. It took 225 strokes to get me back to the entry point. Total time 14 minutes. This lake was pretty clean except it has weeds growing at both ends.

After swimming these lakes it was time to go home. I dried off and unzipped the wet suit. Once I got back to Point McKenzie paved road I wanted to get home and take a shower. I apparently wasn't watching my speed and before I could slow down the trooper got me. There was no one on the road but his radar must have been working great because he picked me up .25 to .5 miles away. What the poop! I loose my flipper, swim in goodly bad lakes, stooped by a trooper who I know. The trooper name will be withhold. He didn't even give me a warning. He said I was going 70 in a 55 mph. After he came back I knew it could get any worse so I told him about my swims and he seemed to be interested. Then we had a conversation regarding his daughter and students that I coached at Palmer High School regarding being recruited to play sports in college. Finally off I drove with one flipper and a $130 ticket and 4 points off my driving record. I have been up in Alaska 20 years and never had a ticket until this year now I have two. I won't go into details about the first one. Just say another stupid mistake.

Until next keep the goggles on and flippers on your feet.

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