Friday, June 25, 2010

26th Lake Slipper (Eska)

June 25th - I drove from Coyote Lake back down the road to mile 2 of Jonesville road and turned right and drove .2 miles to get the Slipper Lake. As I got ready for the swim it is pretty cool to watch people expressions as I get into and zip up the wet suit. I am still without flippers haven't had a chance to go purchase a new set. As I approached the trial down to lake I quickly noticed some cans in the water and some boards. I quickly started my watch and off I went and 215 strokes I reached the other side. Once I reached the end I turned around and swam back across the lake. Total time for this lake was 13 minutes 20 seconds. The water visibility was good. A good choice to swim this lake now because in 3 to 4 weeks the weeds will be thick. Overall not a bad lake, off to Seventeen Mile Lake. I forgot to take a picture of this lake. You can always go to ADF&G web site to get more information on this lake.

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