Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rain or No rain the swims must go on! 28th Golden LaKe

June 29th, 2010 Light rain and clouds today but if I am ever going to reach 81 I need to start swimming more lakes. The girls got back last night but had no interest in coming with me today. So after lunch I took off to the Pittman road about 30 minute drive from Palmer. The first lake is Golden Lake. THe lake you can drive right to the shore line. You will find a small parking area and an area to camp. When I got there thier was a family fishing but not catching. The gentleman proceeded to tell mw that he used to catch large rainbow from this lake but last year several kids came in and fished the lake out. Which could be true since this is a pretty small lake. I asked them if I could enter and off I went. 152 strokes later I reached the end of the lake and turned around and swam back. Weeds and lily pads are located at each end of the lake. I forgot to start my watch so I don't have a time but I would estimate around 9-10 minutes if that. No problems with this lake, I did notice that the temperature of the lakes dropped do to the rain. Off to the next lake.

PS forgot the camera so no pictures today

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