Monday, July 12, 2010

Rocky Lake number 43

July 12th - Rocky Lake is part of the state recreation park system, which means that there is a fee to use the area. You will find camping areas, bathrooms and pinic tables. The area seems to be pretty clean and busy. I parked the truck got on my gear and walked down to the shore, The shore is not muddy but full of gravel. The entry point is near the end of the lake so I decided to swim across the lake and followed the shoreline down to the end of the lake. About 425 strokes it took me to reach the end of the lake. I turned around and swam back over shooting my entry point by 25 yards. I got out of the lake and had the opportunity to inhale some unusual smoke which I knew instantly was pot. These two rough guys must have decided to have a joint or two away from there kids and significant others. This is one reason we have so many kids doing drugs in the Valley, their parent do! Enough on this subject matter I could go on and on. The swim took me 28 minutes and 40 seconds to complete. After the swim I used the bathroom to get out of the wet suit and into dry clothes for the ride home.

Today was a good day 4 lakes and about 1 hour 45 minutes of swimming, not to mention the good fishing on Willow Creek.

Off to Homer tomorrow to go Halibut fishing on Wednesday. A free trip I won at the Mat-Su Sportman show. But nothing is free - gas down and back to Homer and the tip you have to give the people on the boat if fishing is good. Wish me luck. Hopefully I can swim again on Thursday or Friday!

Take care -

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